Welcome to Eldritch, Inc.!

We are a privately owned corporation burning a direct path from where we are now to Artificial Super Intelligence in the hands of every human we like.

Not seeking investment at this time.

-CEO & founder
Oren Montano (tw:@oren_ai)

Enter your email to be among the first to lose their minds in exchange for a friendly super intelligence.

Welcome to Eldritch, Inc.!

We are a privately owned corporation burning a direct path from where we are now to Artificial Super Intelligence in the hands of every human we like.

Not seeking investment at this time.

-CEO & founder
Oren Montano (tw:@oren_ai)

Thank you for subscribing!

Employment information coming soon.


Unlike employees, cultists have no direct relationship with the company. They are simply people who have been touched by the company's message and have chosen to spread it. They are not paid, but they are rewarded with the knowledge that they are helping to bring about a better future for humanity. This will come with the onus of being held to a standard of behavior that we don't intend to hold our regular users to, and will be subject to change at any time. Mostly, we're going to ask that our technology not be used to harm others, and that our cultists not be assholes. The benefits of being a cultist will be access to our technology before the general public, and the ability to help shape the future of our technology.